Cost Effective Ground Water Control System
The developer of this large detached commercial dwelling in Manchester contacted us to provide a cost effective solution to deal with the free ground water ingress within the basement, from the onset the end user had no plans to currently use the basement for habitable use, so the following was proposed – accepted – and installed by one of our qualified teams.
The large existing basement (footprint of the entire ground floor) was thoroughly cleaned revealing an existing sound concrete basement floor, following water flood testing to establish the levels, a series of chases were formed within the floor surface, terminating at a sump chamber location, housing an automatic submersible pump and high water level alarm.
A second water flood test was undertaken so ensuring any free ground water would enter the sump chamber, for disposal, then a 500mm high 8mm deep profile skirt high density polyethylene cavity drain wall membrane was installed to all walls along with a 20mm high density polyethylene cavity drain membrane laid over the entire basement floor – all fully sealed.
Of course should the end user decide to use the basement in the future then the system already installed can be extended/upgraded to meet Bs8102 1990 Grade 3 standard.