Building Facade Improvements
Our advise was called upon by an Architectural Practice in Manchester to improve the tired exterior ground floor level appearance of a beautiful brick detached residence for a national social housing association, the scheme was to be used as a “trial” which, if successful was to be rolled out along the entire frontage of the building.
Due to the high soil banking across the frontage not only did this allow ground water to penetrate the structure, but was also unattractive and difficult to maintain, adding to this was that the gas, electric and water services were all located on the front elevation within the basement, thus internal structural waterproofing would entail the re-positioning of such, which proved very expensive.
The approach then was to excavate the retaining ground and construct a new façade on new foundations incorporating cavity drain wall isolating membranes, all works undertaken by ourselves as Main Contractor progressed smoothly with little disruption to the residents.